Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Help Raise Money to get solar electricity for my health center!!

This project is to install solar electricity capability for the community health center. This health center provides care to seven villages and their surrounding hamlets. The seven room health center is located in a rural village 60 kilometers from grid electricity, and includes a maternity ward, a pharmacy, as well as general medical consultations and a laboratory.

Currently, most of the health center’s activities are limited to daytime hours. Emergency nighttime care is facilitated through the use of a flashlight or oil lamp, which poses dangerous complications to the patient from the lack of visibility. Births and emergency medical needs are frequently carried out under these insufficient conditions. The electrification also includes the capability to power a refrigerator that stores the center’s vaccinations and injectable medications, a weekly vaccination campaigns being one of the critical functions of the health center. As the current gas-powered refrigerator is sometimes low functioning, vaccinations and medical injections are at risk of exposure to high temperatures which could severely damage their effectiveness, posing a serious health concern to the population.

Through a meeting with the community governing board of the health center, the lack of electricity was identified by the community as an immediate need. The community agreed to contribute 25% of the total cost of the project, in collaboration with the Mayor’s office, the governing health committee (ASACO), the health care center (CSCOM) and the community members from all seven villages.

To donate, please click on the link below: